What to Expect

The road to wellness starts with you.

The human body is dynamic and alive. Your unique journey to wellness will be as well. I offer a combination of acupuncture, shiatsu and tuina style bodywork, and food therapies in order to best work with your specific physical needs and potential. Your goal is to be at your best. My goal is to get you there. Let’s get started.

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Therapeutic Treatment

For those seeking treatment of specific or acute issues, I typically recommend a course of eight to ten diagnostic and therapeutic treatments that range from seventy-five to ninety minutes long. Consistency and frequency are key with this modality, so it’s recommended to come in twice a week for the duration of this treatment course, usually for a total of five weeks.


Preventative Treatment

For those seeking acupuncture and bodywork in order to keep them feeling great and prevent chronic issues from developing, I recommend preventative sessions on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.


Payment Options

For those wishing to take advantage of the therapeutic and preventative benefits of acupuncture and bodywork on a more frequent basis, we have a payment package option that can help you gain access to discounted sessions.

Book a Session

Health and happiness are within your reach, but the journey starts with you.
Ready to take that first step?